How the people in the music video are represented is something that needs to be taken into consideration. The facial expressions, clothing, body language and props all have an impact on how the person is represented. So all areas need some thought going into them. The non-verbal communication is important seems there will not be any verbal communication with the characters within the music video and all the areas of non-verbal communication need to be considered.
Non-verbal communication consists of the following:
- Physical Space
- Clothing and Appearance
- Locomotion
- Posture
- Gesture
- Facial Expressions
- Eye Contact
- Touch
- Paralanguage
Non-verbal communication consists of the following:
- Physical Space
- Clothing and Appearance
- Locomotion
- Posture
- Gesture
- Facial Expressions
- Eye Contact
- Touch
- Paralanguage

Facial Expressions
Frown - Displeasure, Unhappiness
Smile - Friendliness, Happiness
Raised Eyebrows - Disbelief, Amazement
Narrowed Eyes - Anger
Blushing - Embarrassment
Eye Contact
Glancing - Lack of Interest
Steady - Active Listening, Interest, Seduction
Hand/Arm Gestures
Pointing Finger - Authority, Displeasure, Lecturing
Folded Arms - Not open to change, preparing to speak
Arms at side - Open to suggestions, relaxed
Hands Uplifted Outward - Disbelief, puzzlement, Uncertainty
Body Postures
Fidgeting, doodling – Boredom
Hands on hips – Anger Defensiveness
Shrugging Shoulders – Indifference
Squared Stance or shoulders – Problem-solving, concern, listening
Biting lip, shifting, jingling money – Nervousness
Sitting on edge of chair – Listening, great concern
Slouching in chair – Boredom, lack of interest
Physical Space
From Physical contact to 18 inches – Intimate space
From 18 inches to 4 feet – Personal space
From 4 feet to 8 feet – Social space
From 8 feet outward – Public space
Frown - Displeasure, Unhappiness
Smile - Friendliness, Happiness
Raised Eyebrows - Disbelief, Amazement
Narrowed Eyes - Anger
Blushing - Embarrassment
Eye Contact
Glancing - Lack of Interest
Steady - Active Listening, Interest, Seduction
Hand/Arm Gestures
Pointing Finger - Authority, Displeasure, Lecturing
Folded Arms - Not open to change, preparing to speak
Arms at side - Open to suggestions, relaxed
Hands Uplifted Outward - Disbelief, puzzlement, Uncertainty
Body Postures
Fidgeting, doodling – Boredom
Hands on hips – Anger Defensiveness
Shrugging Shoulders – Indifference
Squared Stance or shoulders – Problem-solving, concern, listening
Biting lip, shifting, jingling money – Nervousness
Sitting on edge of chair – Listening, great concern
Slouching in chair – Boredom, lack of interest
Physical Space
From Physical contact to 18 inches – Intimate space
From 18 inches to 4 feet – Personal space
From 4 feet to 8 feet – Social space
From 8 feet outward – Public space
I feel after researching about non-verbal communication it needed to be considered to create a more realistic and professional music video as especially as we would to show the ex-girlfriend trying to seduce the male vocalist and with a steady eye contact it would help portray this non-verbally.
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