Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Questionnaire Market Research

To find out the information I feel my group could benefit from a questionnaire has been created. Firstly the group make a questionnaire that could be used to get the information we would need, however after asked one person the questionnaire I felt it wasn’t easy for the people to answer if they weren’t aware of the Pop-rock genre and technical media terms, as some of the questions needed to be explained. I then adapted the first questionnaire to one I thought would be more appropriate for the audience we were asking. The questions in the second version of the questionnaire are below, I feel that the amount of questions are appropriate and well give us enough information to work with for our creation of a music video, album cover and magazine adverts.

1. Are you Male/Female?

2. Which age category do you fit into?
11-16 17-24 25-34 35-44 44+

3. What is you favourite genre of music?

4. Do you listen to music that fits into the genre of Pop-Rock?

5. How do you purchase your music? CD Copy or Electronic Copy?

6. Do you illegally download music? If Yes, why?

7. How do you find out information about your favourite bands?

8. Do you listen to unsigned bands? If so have you heard of “theCOLOURS”?

Music Videos

9. Do you watch music videos? Why?

10. Would you rather a video was narrative based or performance based? What percentage do you think it should be spilt?

11. When the video is narrative based, do you think the images should match the lyrics?

Album Covers
12. Would you prefer an album cover to contain the band name and song title?

13. What other features do you like to see on an album cover if any?

Magazine Adverts
14. Do you pay attention to a bands/artists magazine advert?

15. What features attract you to a magazine advert?

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