'Image' of Female Character in Music Video
When thinking about the costume of the actor and actress that would be in the music video whatever pitch is refined and created, there would be a male main character and a female main character (the male’s ex-girlfriend) but as I felt there must be a reason for the man to want to “let [her] go” and refer to her as a “mistake”. I felt a background story would have to be identified to convey the right image in the music video. By looking at the lyrics I felt cheating would fix with the feelings the man
has, I also felt the female show have a certain image, as I felt it was necessary.
After thinking though the ‘image’ the female needed I felt that she should be a pretty woman, which ‘caked’ her face in make-up and wore hair extensions/had long hair, as well as having fake nails, and wearing a push-up bra and low cut top. When a female has all this features it can seem she is hasn’t the confidence in her own skin, so wore things to get the attention which shouldn’t be attracted when in a relationship. After thinking to far into the image of the female, I felt the make-up could have a major impact have her image so I created some pictures with different combinations of make-up so my group and I can decide which make-up promotes the right image that we want. Another need from the make-up she has red lipstick/lip-gloss applied to show temptation/love through the colour meaning, the image on the right is of a model before I added make-up and the images below are the combinations of make-up which are a possibility as they have the right ‘image’.
As you can see the model with the make-up and without is completely different, I feel that the make-up needs to be taken into account when filming the music video as it gives the woman the right image, I feel the best combination of make-up is the third image as it has the red lips which will suggest lust, and the smoky eyes and long lashes should more of a ‘fake’ look, and blusher would also be necessary however not a lot is needed. From creating these images I have realised how the make-up can have an affect on the image of the person, and as the ‘image’ is important for the female character in the music video what make-up she wears needs to be considered.
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