Saturday, 25 December 2010
Ideas for Multimedia Content in Evaluation

Friday, 10 December 2010
Idea for Design of Magazine Advert

Thursday, 9 December 2010
Completion of the Music Video

Slow Progress of Digipak
The Digipak has been a task that has been going on for a while, and is making slow progress, and its the front cover which has made the no progress, although I have established which image will be used as it has come to the text I find this the more difficult part as there are many fonts that could be used, however finding the right font and also placing it on the Digipak Cover is proving difficult.
I think I have finally found the font that could be used for the song title as it is the same font as the lettering that is found on playing cards and as we have made the connection between the song and the playing cards I feel it would be the right font to use. I found the font on dafont.com which has many fonts that are there for users to download for personal use. The font I have chosen for the song title is titled “Slab Tall X” and is available to download for free from dafont.com.

I now have to identify the right font for the band name, but this would also be a band name/logo that the audience identify the band by. So it has to be artistic and need to link to the band more than the song as the graphic would be used for all of the bands Albums, and no just for this album of “Tonight I Let You Go”.
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
The Progress of the Digipak
For the front cover these are how it has developed (please note: the text hasn't been added yet to all front cover attempt and will be added when the final design as been created and agreed):
Attempt 1:
Although I hate this Attempt I felt it was necessary to include it to show the development of the Idea. There are many reasons I dislike this design such as the colours being too bright and the picture appearing in the background is too bold, and would need to be faded in more, which I then did the other attempts I created.

Attempt 2:

Attempt 3:

Attempt 4:

Attempt 8:
As I feel this Attempt will go on and be the Digipak front cover the text font for “Tonight I Let You Go” and “theCOLOURS” needs to be found and added to the CD cover, and all the other panels of the Digipak should be edited to match this, so there is an overall theme going through the Digipak.
All of these images were edited on Picnik, a online photo editing site that I have used frequently in the past to edit my own photos, there are many effects that could be applied and as I was comfortable with the editing software I decided to use it rather than Photoshop which we had access to on the Mac’s we were editing on.
The next task is to get the correct font and add the text to the front of the Digipak, the text will be added to the cover in Adobe Fireworks, which is software I know how to operate due to having used it before and I am comfortable in using it.
How to get Audience Feedback in an Innovative way
- Filmed interviews, with a range of people from our target audience, asking then the same questions from a script to see how people views differ.
- Wordles, which is a method I used when I presenting the feedback I had from the target audiences favourite music genre.
- Creative graphs.
- Mood boards.
- Feedback from the band, which could be quite beneficial.
Thursday, 25 November 2010
Idea for Digipak
Media Update
I think working this way has helped us to progress faster in the editing and then we also have progress achieved on the Digipak.
Monday, 15 November 2010
Colour Effects for Shots
Bri - 0%
Con - 0%
Sat - 140%
Speed 25%
Bri - 0%
Con - 0%
Sat - 123%
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
Storyboard of "Seduction" Shots
In total there are 8 shots were needed to be storyboarded. I drew the Green boxes and the man, while Jack drew the Female in Pencil so his ideas for position could be presented, as changed if I felt it needed to be, so it was a team effort on this storyboard to get the ideas down to help us in the long run.

Storyboard for Music Video

Filming Day - Monday 8th Novemeber
After arriving at school for the normal time and meeting the group in the common room through what then was form time, we discussed on where we could go to practise the performance and give the band members time to learn the lyrics and beat to the song etc. We also were able to practise the seductions poses and film the hair swishing shots within them two hours we allocated. During this time we also found ourselves trying to mend a bass guitar that we couldn’t fix so in the end it wasn’t used.
When it came to 11:15 we wandered over to the stage hoping that the exam was over and we were able to use the stage, and was told that we could only use the stage at 11:45 when the examiners had finished collecting the papers and sorting them, as we didn’t know what to do then we wandered to find a room that was free to use our time wisely and do some practising. However before getting to another room to practise we saw the drama teacher that gave us the permission to use the stage and as he realised we weren’t able to use the space until later on that day he offered us the drama studio to film in, although the background would be white and not black. But as a group we decided that a white background would be suitable and the studio would be better to film in as was well lit.
The filming of the seduction shots was done first to get it out the way and it meant that the music equipment could be transported to the studio while they were being filmed saving us time. Once those shots were filmed we went straight onto the performance and filmed it a whole shot throughout the whole song then got close up shots from different positions and angles in different parts of the song, in total all these parts in the drama studio had to be filmed within the two hours that we were given, and we also have to take the instruments back. The final shot that was needed to be filmed was the card shower, which we used four packs of cards for. We used the technique we used to test the card shower and we felt they fell in clumps and also the shot that we got wasn’t from the best position. So we picked all the cards up repositioned the camera and Rob came up with the idea of just throwing the cards up and letting them fall, as the drama studio didn’t have a proper ceiling so plenty of room to throw the card up and allowing them to shower over Kieran. We watched back the shot and we felt it was a success so we called it a rap!! Next step is to upload all the filming to the Mac and hope we have all the shots we need.
I felt that the filming days have been successful however they have been very tiring, however the editing is the next step as well as planning and completion of the ancillary tasks.
Monday, 8 November 2010
Itinerary for Mondays Filming
9:00 All Meeting in A23
11:15 All Go to the stage and Collect instruments
11:20 All Film performance shots
1:45 All Lunch in Common Room + Review
2:05 All Film on stage if possible
3:15 All Film hair swishing shot
4:15 All Finish
Saturday, 6 November 2010
Filming Day - Friday 5th November

Taking the dog with us, the first location of filming was down the countryside road where we took shots of Kieran running away and towards the camera, as it was a quiet road we were able to film without many cars needing to come through. Seems the shots we wanted were high shots, we had a stepladder with us and we took the same shot from different angles on two cameras, enabling us to decide later which angle would be better. We then went further down the road to film at the bridge where Kieran walks up to the wall and sits on it, legs over the side, and drops his phone into the river below. When getting to the location we decided it would be beneficial to get shots from in the river and of the phone falling towards the camera. So this meant that a person had to go down into the river, it ended up with four people in the river as a coat was needed to save the phone from actually going into the river. Although we should have thought of the risks involved with going into the river, the four guys went into the river helping each other and well we survived it, no cuts or bruises and just good footage (hopefully).

After successfully getting shots from in the river, we wandered to the next location, “The Hare and the Hounds”. While Ben and I went back to Ben’s house taking the dog back and getting changed into our costumes as we had been behind camera until now. And by the time we got back to the pub, we had cokes all round and the cameras set up to film as Chris asked the Owner whether we could film in there, and after not being that keen she accepted. After getting the shots needed in the littlest time possible so we didn’t disturb their day to day business.
After the morning of shooting after getting back to Ben’s house we got the Camera’s on charge and the Pizza’s in the oven and sat down and reviewed the day so far as well as states what had to be done. While going over shots that could be done we did decide to shot then that minute while waiting for the Pizza’s to cook, so the shots of Kieran walking out the door and leaving his keys behind was shot as we were reviewing what had to be done next. With nearly of the shots of Kieran running away sorting, while eating in between shots.

The next scene that needed shooting was the scene were Kieran walks in on me in bed with Jack, it was a risky shot to put into our music video however as a group we feel it’s needed as it’s a typical convention of a music video, and well it’ll either work or make our video awful, however it is worth the risk, in order to make a video with elements that other groups in our school have considered. Although the scene being awkward it was done successfully and looked fine when we played it back on the camera, it’ll just now depend on how it looks when edited and put into the video.
Seems it was getting into the late afternoon we finished the final shot needed with Kieran and allowed him to leave as he had work to get to and we continued with my scenes that had to be filmed. One problem we came across was that the Cappuccino with the heart added with chocolate dust didn’t work as hasn’t been filmed yet. It wasn’t successful as the heart wouldn’t stay on the top of the drink as the frothy milk that was on top was too liquidly and allowed the chocolate to spread across the top of the drink instead of staying in the shape of the heart. We will have to go back and film this shot when we can, which is hopefully soon.
Overall the day can be called a successful and the filming is only half way through as the “seduction” shots and the performance shots have got to be filmed and hopefully they will be an success too. Our group was able to review the day on our 4 mile trek home, were we talked about the day’s events and what went well, and what needs sorting. The cappuccino shots not working is a disappointment especially as it was tested to make sure it worked, however we should have used the same drink and made it the same way to enable it to work when we needed it to.
Friday, 5 November 2010
Itinerary for Fridays Filming
9:30 Chris, Kieran Waiting at North St. for Bus
9:45 Jack, Lizi, Chris, Kieran, Meet Rob at Morton Bus stop (Church)
10:10 All Meet Ben at his house.
10:20 All Start filming Marital House scenes
12:20 All Have lunch at pub and review the day so far
1:20 All Film outside street scenes
3:20 All Return to pub to film Mates house scenes
5:20 Jack, Lizi, Chris, Rob, Kieran Walk to Morton
5:45 Jack, Lizi, Chris, Kieran Get bus back to Bourne
Thursday, 4 November 2010
Testing Music Video Shots
The second shot we tested was the hair swish, this would be included near the start of the video. We attempted this shot out to see what kind of lighting would be best for this shot. As well as the best motion would be necessary to create the shot we wanted. The letters and numbers at the bottom of the video when these shot are shown correspond to the different filter effects that Jack used when editing the shots in iMovie.
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
Performance Shots in the Music Video
Monday, 1 November 2010
Costume For Female Narrative Scenes
For the Female character, I feel that this outfit should be worn for her narrative scenes. It is casual however the short skirt and frilled waistcoat keep the image we feel is needed.
As I am playing the role of the female I purchased the clothing, which wasn’t that expensive; Skirt, £1.50, F&F Tesco; T-Shirt, £3.00 F&F Tesco; Waistcoat, £12.99, H&M; Flower, £4.00, New Look.

Saturday, 30 October 2010
4Music; Intuitions
The intuition that I feel our music video should be shown on is 4Music. 4Music is a music channel in the United Kingdom and was launched on the 3rd of August 2008 and replaced The Hits. The channel has a web presence and can be found at www.4Music.com as well as a present on Facebook and Twitter. 4Music is owned by the Box Television Network and is the only channel within the network to be branded under Channel 4, as well as being the only channel in the network to be broadcast in widescreen.
The reason why I feel our music video shown be on 4Music is because the channel is available to a bigger audience as it is available for Freeview viewers as well as Sky and Virgin Media viewers with a audience share of 0.3%. As well as it being a well known channel that is advertised over its sister channels; Channel 4, E4, More 4 and Film 4.

4Music is also now he home for music and celebrity orientated show and comedies that were once aired on Channel 4 as well as exclusive shows on 4Music. The non-music programmes that are being shown on 4Music are:
Being... N-Dubz
The Simple Life
Snoop Dogg’s Father Hood
Bo’ Selecta
Balls Of Steel
Girls Aloud: Off the Record
Alan Carr’s Celebrity Ding Dong
The Friday Night Project
The Kevin Bishop Show
Keeping Up With The Kardashians
Friday, 29 October 2010
Planning the Storyline for the Music Video
During our half term our group met up for two days to plan the storyline and shots for the music video we were due to film in less than 10 days. During Tuesday we discussed the storyline, and briefly described the possible shots and where they could fit. While on the Wednesday we when in to much more detail and also tested some shots, such as the playing card shower to test if they worked and in which way they worked better. This would help when we film the shots as we would know the most successful way to achieve the best shot.
Testing of Subconscious Idea for the Music Video
When planning the music video we decided to fit this idea into this part:
“12. Woman finds the key he has left, she goes to ring him. He’s running, rejects the call. He carries on running, her face when he rejects stirs her coffee she made”
To achieve a heart on the top of the hot drink, a stencil and chocolate dust are needed. I tested how easy it was to achieve the idea, and the attempt can be seen below:
The idea is rather easy to achieve and seems it’s tested, the stencil when trying to achieve the heart while filming and it won’t waste time when sorting out the heart whist filming.

Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Props List for Music Video
After going through the shot list, we wrote up a prop list, of all the props that are needed, we have also given a person a responsibly to get and bring that prop. As they have said they have the prop they are willing to lend or they can get the prop for the music video. The props needed are listed below:
Step Ladder (Ben)
Desk light (Chris)
Suitcase (Lizi)
Playing Cards (All)
Female’s Phone
Males Phone
Dummy phone (Chris)
Cappuccino (Ben)
Cappuccino Cup (Ben)
Chocolate dust (Lizi)
Heart Card stencil (Lizi)
Microphone (Lizi)
Guitar (Chris)
Drums (School- Jack)
Microphone Stand (School – Jack)
Drum Sticks (Ben)
Post-it Notes (Jack)
Pen/Marker (Jack)
CD Player (Jack)
Shot List for Music Video
Scene 1
(Mid shot - the woman seducing the man (No emotion for the man)
(Fades in and out to the beat with a black screen)
Low angled close shot – a door with the man behind it
The door opens and the woman is with another man, we can see his arm.
Close up of woman’s head – Woman is swishing her hair in slow motion.
Close up of man’s face – lip-syncing ‘to this’ (emotion present)
Split screen – close up shot – woman and man writing notes (Sorry, I’m leaving) (Sorry, forgive me)
Close up shot – man leaving the key behind.
Mid shot – man taking the suitcase away
Door closes and then fades to black
Scene 2
Mid shot - Side shot of the house door (lyrics – ‘I’m better off leaving now’
Long/high Shot – Man running away (away from the camera) (Camera
Moving up) (lyrics – I just keep on running)
Scene 3
Close up – Shot of the key as the woman see’s it and walks over.
Mid shot – Woman gets phone
Close up – Phone over shoulder
Mid shot– Phone next to ear
Long/high shot – running to the camera, stops, gets his phone out.
Close up – Man rejecting the call
Long/high – Continues running under the camera
Close up – Woman’s face (Emotion)
POV shot – Stirring the coffee with the heart in it.
PERFORMANCE (lyrics ‘You should come back, come back, come back and look for more)
Long shot – Man comes to a stop outside the pub and takes a breath (But love that run’s to deep)
Mid shot – Walks into the pub (inside the pub) Man walks in.
Close up shot – Man places the phone on the side.
Over the shoulder – Man walks by and see’s one of the friends with a hand of hearts.
Scene 5
Mid shot – slow zoom to the man playing cards (emotion) (lyrics ‘You are the only reason I want it more’)
Mid shot – the man is playing cards and the woman flickers in and out of the shot behind him. (Lyrics ‘I know I want to be on my own tonight’)
Scene 6
Long/High shot – Running away and past the camera at the side.
Long shot - sitting on a wall overlooking the river
Close Shot – Sitting on a wall overlooking the river
Over shoulder shot – looking at phone
Close shot – phone falling into the river
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Storyline/Structure of Music Video
1. Woman tempting the man back to her by seducing him as she has the quality to seduce.
2. Man opens door to see his women with another man.
3. Woman turns around, (hair swishing shot) – White Background.
4. Man lip syncs to “To This.” and the pause. Shot of face!
5. Spilt screen, writing notes “I’m sorry, forgive me” “I’m Leaving”
6. Man leaving the house, leaves the key. Fades to black.
7. Performance.
8. "I’m better off leaving now” – Man walking by the side of his house
9. Performance.
10. "I just keep on running” – Man running away, down the street
11. Performance.
12. Woman finds the key he has left, she goes to ring him. He’s running, rejects the call. He carries on running, her face when he rejects stirs her coffee she made
13. Performance (You should come back, come back, come back and look for more)
14. Long shot of man outside pub taking a breath, and walking in. (But love that runs too deep)
15. Goes into pub to meet his friends, who are sitting down playing poker puts his phone on the side, one friend has a hand the heart suits, we see from over his shoulder. Subconscious object showing heartbreak.
16. Performance.
17. Zooms to the man sitting in a chair, showing his emotion via his body language while playing poker. (“You are the only reason I want it more”)
18. Performance.
19. The Woman flickers in and out of shot (“You know I want to be own tonight”)
20. Performance.
21. Running across the shot to the river (“I just keep on running”)
22. Performance.
23. Sat on a wall near river, looks at his phone realising he has #’s of missed calls, lets the phone slip out of his hands into the river.
24. Final Performance with card shower.
Sunday, 24 October 2010
Actors Required for Filming
In our Music Video the parts we require actors for are: Vocalist – Narrative and Performance, Guitarist – Performance, Poker Player for the Narrative, Drummer – Performance, Poker Player for the Narrative, Ex-Girlfriend – Narrative Poker Players (4, including Guitarist and Drummer) – Narrative, Mates House/Pub (Location)
After going through the options we had we decided to ask the following to appear in our music video; Kieran Gabbitus, Rob Slipper and Ben Robinson. And for the female part we thought it would be more beneficial if I was to act that part, as it would be easier to sort the costume and make-up of the female part for myself than it would be for someone else.
Cast List
Vocalist – Kieran Gabbitus
Guitarist – Rob Slipper
Drummer – Ben Robinson
Ex-Girlfriend - Lizi Howard (Me)
Poker Players – Rob Slipper, Ben Robinson, Chris Tyler?
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Subconscious Ideas for the Music Video (Props)

I feel that having some props that have a heart design or shape involved with it would create a deeper meaning to the parts of the music video and not all viewers may realise that it was intentional unless some props such as love hearts were used as it will make it seem a little “cheesy”.
Representation of the Characters
Non-verbal communication consists of the following:
- Physical Space
- Clothing and Appearance
- Locomotion
- Posture
- Gesture
- Facial Expressions
- Eye Contact
- Touch
- Paralanguage

Frown - Displeasure, Unhappiness
Smile - Friendliness, Happiness
Raised Eyebrows - Disbelief, Amazement
Narrowed Eyes - Anger
Blushing - Embarrassment
Eye Contact
Glancing - Lack of Interest
Steady - Active Listening, Interest, Seduction
Hand/Arm Gestures
Pointing Finger - Authority, Displeasure, Lecturing
Folded Arms - Not open to change, preparing to speak
Arms at side - Open to suggestions, relaxed
Hands Uplifted Outward - Disbelief, puzzlement, Uncertainty
Body Postures
Fidgeting, doodling – Boredom
Hands on hips – Anger Defensiveness
Shrugging Shoulders – Indifference
Squared Stance or shoulders – Problem-solving, concern, listening
Biting lip, shifting, jingling money – Nervousness
Sitting on edge of chair – Listening, great concern
Slouching in chair – Boredom, lack of interest
Physical Space
From Physical contact to 18 inches – Intimate space
From 18 inches to 4 feet – Personal space
From 4 feet to 8 feet – Social space
From 8 feet outward – Public space