To collect more feedback from the audience as the three comments that I received on YouTube didn’t give me enough information I posted a Questionnaire on Facebook and tagged my friends asking them to complete it if they have the time to. Using this method enabled me to get feedback on the exact parts of the products that I wanted feedback on such as the location shots, and the camera shots that we used in the music video. As I wanted at least 15 of these questionnaires collected I asked questions that required the audience to rate the elements as more people would willingly rate something out of ten then sit down and think about how to word their opinion on the element.

From this Audience Feedback we found out the people that we asked felt that our video fitted the song and all of the audience rated each area either 6,7,8,9 or 10, which is pretty positive feedback for the promo that we created. The audience also couldn’t think of any negatives for the Digipak Front cover which I asked for a Positive and Negative. We also contacted the Band hoping for their response however they still haven’t got back to us.
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