Thursday, 20 January 2011

How effective is the combination of your main product and your ancillary texts? - Part 1

Here are the three completed texts that we have provided for this production:

This is the completed version of the Digipak which follows the typical conventions of a Digipak with the use of Band/Artist pictures, Band/Artist logo, the Title of album, Barcode and Track listings. It also contains the Playing Card theme that is seen throughout all the three texts which would enable the audience to be able to easily identify that this a part of the bands release of the song. Also this Digipak contains both the band name and song title which is a feature that the audience we asked said they preferred, as well as the album cover containing artwork that is related to the title, eye-catching colourful image in addition to it being easy to identifiable which are the opinions of the features the audience we asked want to see on the front cover of the Digipak.

This is the completed version of our Magazine Advert, it follows the typical conventions of a Magazine advert as it contains the title of the album its advertising, the band/artists identify which is in a form of the logo and as well as a star rating from a reliable source, and in this case it is a popular Music Magazine. Although this Magazine advert does not follow all of the typical conventions of the text, the most important conventions are followed and the advert has been kept simple which is a more beneficial as it’ll attract more of the target audience as from the audience research I gathered that the audience are attracted by eye-catching picture with a heading that big and bold that instantly attracts attention.

The combination of all three products is quite effective due to the theme of playing cards that runs throughout them. However the strongest product is the Music Promo as there wasn’t as much group effort put into the Digipak and the Magazine Advert and they had been put at the bottom of the “To Do” list. Despite not having equal effort put into all of the products, I feel that the products as a whole do the intended job of being a promotional package for an album release due to how there is link between them this enables the audience associate this feature with the band’s album.

The link that appears in the product is the presence of Playing Cards, which were chosen as a feature to have in all three products when we thought that a Queen of Hearts could represent the female in the song while the Band members could be represented by the Jack of Diamonds, Spades and Clubs. So in every product cards are featured, which gives that an association with the particular album release. While other ideas that were mainly used in the promo were attained when the lyrics were inputted and adapted to a Wordle (which can be seen below) so instead of defining the lyrics as a whole we defined the most common words that appeared in the song to get a more in depth deconstruction as i was able to define the words that have been used frequently throughout the song and then put then into the context of the song.

To promote the band’s album release these materials would need to be exhibited and this could be efficiently done using traditional media as well as new media. The traditional methods of exhibiting these promotional products would be shown on music channels that cater for the similar genre of music, in a Music Magazine as well as in record store where the Digipak could be purchased. I feel that out of the possible music channels that are available, I feel that 4Music is the best channel for my Music Promo to be shown on because the channel is available to a bigger audience as it is available for Free view viewers as well as Sky and Virgin Media viewers with an audience share of 0.3%, as well as it being a well known channel that is advertised over its sister channels; Channel 4, E4, More 4 and Film 4. The channel also caters for the Pop Rock genre of song as some channels only cater for specific genres such as Heavy Metal. Whereas the music magazine that I feel would be most suitable to publish my Magazine Advert would by New Musical Express (NME).

However it would bring more advantages if the promotional products were exhibited using new media as well as the traditional methods as it would heighten the audience and be more widely available as with methods such as Facebook, YouTube and iTunes which offer services that are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at the users leisure, it would benefit when it comes to exhibiting these promotional products, in additional to the availability of individuals being about to upload, blog and re-blog which is a beneficial way that this texts can circulate around its target audience

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