Saturday, 25 December 2010
Ideas for Multimedia Content in Evaluation

Friday, 10 December 2010
Idea for Design of Magazine Advert

Thursday, 9 December 2010
Completion of the Music Video

Slow Progress of Digipak
The Digipak has been a task that has been going on for a while, and is making slow progress, and its the front cover which has made the no progress, although I have established which image will be used as it has come to the text I find this the more difficult part as there are many fonts that could be used, however finding the right font and also placing it on the Digipak Cover is proving difficult.
I think I have finally found the font that could be used for the song title as it is the same font as the lettering that is found on playing cards and as we have made the connection between the song and the playing cards I feel it would be the right font to use. I found the font on dafont.com which has many fonts that are there for users to download for personal use. The font I have chosen for the song title is titled “Slab Tall X” and is available to download for free from dafont.com.

I now have to identify the right font for the band name, but this would also be a band name/logo that the audience identify the band by. So it has to be artistic and need to link to the band more than the song as the graphic would be used for all of the bands Albums, and no just for this album of “Tonight I Let You Go”.
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
The Progress of the Digipak
For the front cover these are how it has developed (please note: the text hasn't been added yet to all front cover attempt and will be added when the final design as been created and agreed):
Attempt 1:
Although I hate this Attempt I felt it was necessary to include it to show the development of the Idea. There are many reasons I dislike this design such as the colours being too bright and the picture appearing in the background is too bold, and would need to be faded in more, which I then did the other attempts I created.

Attempt 2:

Attempt 3:

Attempt 4:

Attempt 8:
As I feel this Attempt will go on and be the Digipak front cover the text font for “Tonight I Let You Go” and “theCOLOURS” needs to be found and added to the CD cover, and all the other panels of the Digipak should be edited to match this, so there is an overall theme going through the Digipak.
All of these images were edited on Picnik, a online photo editing site that I have used frequently in the past to edit my own photos, there are many effects that could be applied and as I was comfortable with the editing software I decided to use it rather than Photoshop which we had access to on the Mac’s we were editing on.
The next task is to get the correct font and add the text to the front of the Digipak, the text will be added to the cover in Adobe Fireworks, which is software I know how to operate due to having used it before and I am comfortable in using it.
How to get Audience Feedback in an Innovative way
- Filmed interviews, with a range of people from our target audience, asking then the same questions from a script to see how people views differ.
- Wordles, which is a method I used when I presenting the feedback I had from the target audiences favourite music genre.
- Creative graphs.
- Mood boards.
- Feedback from the band, which could be quite beneficial.